Well-trained teachers are the foundation of quality education
Are you or your teachers struggling with
- lack of time
- motivating students
- lesson planning
- assessment
- student misbehavior
- keeping up with constant changes?
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Enhanced knowledge and skills allow teachers to reclaim control over their work making them more efficient and effective in planning, teaching, and assessment.
We also believe that by sharing experiences, challenges, and solutions, teachers can reduce the time spent on problem-solving and idea development. Which is why our courses promote a culture of learning and collaboration in schools.
Together, we can transform the future of education.
We also believe that by sharing experiences, challenges, and solutions, teachers can reduce the time spent on problem-solving and idea development. Which is why our courses promote a culture of learning and collaboration in schools.
Together, we can transform the future of education.
Top Teacher
Top Teacher 1 and 2 are comprehensive online training courses for teachers in basic education.
The courses are developed together with a team of education specialists from Polar Partners and University of Turku, Finland.
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Top Teacher
Top Teacher is a comprehensive teacher training program for teachers in basic education. You can select our online courses and compliment them with live training to get a program that meets your needs and budget.
Available in English and in Spanish, ask for the Spanish course!
Available in English and in Spanish, ask for the Spanish course!
Top Teacher program with is developed together with a team of education specialists from Polar Partners and University of Turku, Finland.
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Write your awesome label here.
Become an Assessment Expert
Join this unique online training designed to strengthen the assessment understanding, skills, and competence of both individual teachers and the entire work community.
Whether you’re a seasoned teacher or just starting your career in education, this course will provide you with valuable insights and practical techniques to become an assessment expert.
The course is designed by two highly respected Finnish education professionals specialized in assessment: Najat Ouakrim-Soivio (PhD in Education and PhL) and Pekka Peura (MSc).
Available in English and in Spanish, ask for the Spanish course!
Whether you’re a seasoned teacher or just starting your career in education, this course will provide you with valuable insights and practical techniques to become an assessment expert.
The course is designed by two highly respected Finnish education professionals specialized in assessment: Najat Ouakrim-Soivio (PhD in Education and PhL) and Pekka Peura (MSc).
Available in English and in Spanish, ask for the Spanish course!
How to avoid typical pitfalls of teacher training?
Flexible learning
Empower your team with our flexible online and hybrid courses. Balance professional development and teaching duties seamlessly.
Say goodbye to logistical nightmares of traditional in-person training sessions. Enjoy high-quality professional development anytime, anywhere while ensuring uninterrupted learning for your students.
Avoid the high cost of hiring substitute teachers to cover during live training days. Skip paying for printed training materials and the travel and accommodation costs of trainers.
Practical application
Go beyond theory. Experience real classroom impact with our practical tasks encouraging teachers to observe, experiment, and reflect.
Continuous development
Professional growth is a journey, not a destination. Select our Top Teacher program for a structured approach leading to sustained improvement over time.
The course discussion forums foster a sense of community and shared learning even when the learning is asynchronous.
Course reviews
"Polar Partners together with the University of Turku offer an innovative course for educators about the Finnish pedagogy. I learned about Finland's curriculum, teaching methods, and school culture just to name a few important topics the course covers. The modules and tasks are relevant to real-life teaching situations. I am excited to implement the Finnish curriculum in the classroom so I can best support my students!"
Emily Beuter
First Grade Teacher at Lincoln International Academy, Santiago, Chile
Top Teacher course is a gem for educators at any stage of their career! The content is brilliantly structured, engaging, and packed with valuable insights. Whether you are refreshing your knowledge or looking for fresh ideas and motivation, you will find this course an invaluable resource. It’s a perfect blend of practical and theoretical knowledge, making it accessible and informative for everyone, from beginners to seasoned teachers. What I found particularly inspiring was hearing from other educators as they shared their teaching experiences and practical tips. It felt like a supportive community of like-minded professionals all eager to grow and learn together. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to enhance their teaching journey!“
Nadiia Dudareva
Primary school teacher in Georgia
Gain Top Results in Basic Education - Top Teacher 1
Become a 21st Century Teacher
- Top Teacher 2
Become an Assessment Expert
Innovative Finnish Educator 1
This 100h course combines Top Teacher 1 online course and collaborative learning workshops to ensure your success.
Learn how teachers in Finland support the learning, development, and well-being of each child in basic education and co-create knowledge with your peers!
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Need More Information?
If you have questions about our packages for schools or our other educational development services or you need help with your account or purchase, fill in the form and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
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