Become a Top Teacher

Teacher training program for 21st century teachers

Gain better results in basic education and become a 21st century teacher equipped with the skills and tools needed to thrive as a teacher.

Engaging professional development for teachers – hybrid and online

Top Teacher is a research-based, practical, and inspiring hybrid training program designed to develop the competences of 21st century teachers. The program draws from the Finnish education model and teacher training practices.

It introduces the conceptions of learning and teaching which best support learning, develops pedagogical thinking and understanding and provides tools for learner-centered teaching, classroom management and assessment. Program is developed together with a team of education experts from Polar Partners and University of Turku, Finland.

Program content

  • Top Teacher 1 – Gain Top Results in Basic Education – Online & hybrid course (Available online)
  • Top Teacher 2 – Become a 21st Century Teacher – Online course (Available online)
  • Top Teacher 3 – Experience 21st Century Education – Visit to Finland (Only for groups)
  • Top Teacher 4 Apply your Pedagogical Skills in Practice – Advanced mentoring & training (Only for groups)
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average rating of our courses

4.5 out of 5

based on over 200 evaluations

Top Teacher Online Courses

Develop your teaching competence

Comprehensive courses combining theory and practice 

Gain Top Results in Basic Education

Top Teacher 1

Introduces the conceptions of learning and teaching which best support learning.
Highlights the importance of a holistic approach in basic educationencourages to embrace life-long learning over testing and competing.
Promotes focusing on equality and well-being.
Provides tools for schools and teachers to teach, assess and support the learners.

Become a 21st Century Teacher

Top Teacher 2

Develops pedagogical thinking and understanding.
Improves communication skills.
Encourages using learner-centered methods.
Introduces how to integrate subjects and build multidisciplinary learning modules.
Gives examples of various working methods in different subjects.
Provides tools for learner-centered teaching and classroom management.

Course review

Polar Partners together with the University of Turku offer an innovative course for educators about the Finnish pedagogy. I learned about Finland's curriculum, teaching methods, and school culture just to name a few important topics the course covers. The modules and tasks are relevant to real-life teaching situations. I am excited to implement the Finnish curriculum in the classroom so I can best support my students!
Emily Beuter
First Grade Teacher at Lincoln International Academy, Santiago, Chile

Flexible learning to suit your busy schedule

Top Teacher program can be accomplished at your own pace and the materials can be accessed with any device. Being control of your own progress is motivating and motivation is the key for learning. The content is structured to be done within a few hours at a time in 2–3 months. The most benefit you will gain when co-designing teaching practices with your colleagues and experimenting with your students.

Bite-sized content keeps up the joy of learning:
  • Engaging and activating learning experiences
  • Insightful academic materials such as presentations, articles, and videos
  • Powerful online lessons from experienced educators
  • Practical work-related assignments
  • Quizzes, questions, tests and games
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Course bundles

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What our learners say 

It is clearly organized and well thought. All the information is relevant to my teaching experiences and has enhanced it even more. 
The major strengths of this course are the points of constant reflection where I could question my own experiences, teaching methods, and learning or growth in my career. 
Major strengths are that it is very complete and organized. Easy to follow and understand. Allows you to check your knowledge and new learning as you go on.
Empty space, drag to resize

It's very dynamic, easy to apply its knowledge during the day.
The strength of this course is the clarity of the contents explained with videos, examples and hands-on activities.
The practical knowledge was great!

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Hybrid course


Packages for schools – affordable, easy and effective

Our Top Teacher packages are for schools who want an easy and affordable way to equip their basic education teachers with 21st century teaching competencies. Leveraging the power of online learning helps you avoid interruptions to teaching and empowers your teachers by letting them study when it suits them best.

Add the facilitated learning workshops to your package and invite your teachers to
  • construct knowledge together
  • learn from each other by sharing thoughts & learnings
  • enhance team spirit & boost collaboration

Interested in the packages?
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Frequently asked questions

Who is the course for?

This course is for teachers in basic education (K-9).

What does the course require from the participant?

All you need is access to a computer or a mobile device and a working internet connection. Everything is online and available on demand so that you can study at your own pace. A curious attitude and interest in personal development are a plus!

How long is the course?

It takes around 40 hours to complete the learning materials, reflective tasks, and portfolio assignments. If you dedicate 2 hours per week to your professional development, you have completed the course within 2–3 months.